Poem: At the Bottom of the Ocean.

You lie silent at the bottom of the ocean
As I look out over the pale & pink horizon

Standing at the edge of an empty shoreline
Praying to feel the closeness of your sweet breath again

Are you hiding from plain view, resting in the deep?
With all your dreams & dressed up in your sleep

Submerged from the world & all its weird wisdom
Dragged about by the pull of a distant watching moon

Pushed to & fro in my disbelieving head-space
Waiting there forever, dressed in ribbons & in lace

Swirling around inside my weary brow
You wait for your becoming, so you can feel real somehow

Avoiding all your monsters & tomorrow’s dimming ghosts
& I feel so lost without you, like a microscopic dot upon this coast

I’m wishing you were here with me today
Wishing you could have stopped & stayed

I forget the troubled clouds that dance the eerie sky
& I wish that you had never said goodbye.




©2022, Hillfire Dol.