Loveless in London.

Streets lined with beggars
Oh what a mess
Sentenced to the pavement
By greed & success


How this world has turned
By hateful vexation
My heart fills with rage
As I exit the station


I may feel for the future
I may feel love again
This world here’s collapsing
Into the drain


2000 years
Of their money invention
Makes the world look unfaithful
In every direction


TV jigged for the masses
Has stirred their convention
Masterfully prepared
To will no compassion


Entranced by this mess
Smoking 30-a-day
Bouying the footsie
Paying my way


I feel like jumping
From these buildings of pain
Piled up with lost souls
Never to come back again


So I say I want out
I just can’t take anymore
& yet I do nothing
Behind these closed doors


©Hillfire Dol, 25/03/2023