Leukaemia: Hollow Bones.

I look in the bathroom mirror of my private room like a Munch’s scream.  I am so tired and bewildered from three months of sleepless nights, the result of suddenly being taken off a prescribed sedative after more than ten years, and I look and feel a thousand years old. 

Then the nurse arrives in the room to take the blood; she smiles and gently remarks, “You look well today”, it’s 6am. 

She is beautiful, her dark hair shines, and she sparkles like a diamond under a lamp.  She smells so fantastic. 

I can hear our future standing on a whirling roundabout in a playground shouting with their friends inside my head. 

My bones creak from the pressure of yesterday’s manic dancing. 

There are only two more of chemo treatments, and then I will be back home with my mum. 

However, there are many more challenges to come before that happens. 
