Covid Stormy Weather (19).

Greedy doctors
& greedy lawyers
Resting on their laurels
We call them the destroyers


They are raking in the dough
To stop the poor from getting thin
They keep us in the know
To shake their glossy charity tin


Weak & ineffective politicians
We know where they get it now
From their lonely parlor beauticians
From the udders of their public cash-cows


They had the chance to make life better
Now they cannot see the future
Covid came from stormy weather
From their humble globalist tutors


With their profits piled sky-high
They disregard our rights
You’d think that they could never die
Bonking away their porn-induced nights


They feed us with hate
with sugar, salt & fat
& now music feeds the world
Well, fancy that!


They know for sure
… & this is a fact
It’s a world that cannot bite them back.


©Hillfire Dol, 20/02/2023