Present Business Goals, Objectives & Projects.


Consideration to advocate & enable a realistic & fair movement within a reasonable & achievable timescale, & also with the proper legally-framed terms, away from the use of fossil fuels, in order to effect a smooth & fair transition to the development of more economical & more sustainable energy-forms with the application of the appropriate mechanics & materials.


Consideration to advocate & campaign for the global banning, & also with the proper legally-framed terms, of enforced psychiatric drugging treatments, so as to acheive a reasonable parity with the Norwegian Ombudsman’s rulings.


Consideration to advocate & promote the planting of all types of species & sub-species of tree for the many health & social benefits & also this to be encouraged at all educational levels.

To also

enable a considered debate with respect to the world paper shortage 🌲🌳🌴🎄📖🧻.