An Ageing Population.

As a religious founder, I rarely comment on, or consider having any necessary involvement in politics;

However, when governments blame an ‘Ageing population’ for the failings in our health services & other institutions & also in other areas of our economies, they appear not to give the matter a second thought; merely expressing this view in terms of statistical lip-service & flippant excuse.

Why are our politicians in government not asking the question?


Has the raising of children become too expensive for this generation in the UK?

Do couples not see any hope for future children they may choose to have?

& also, do couples consider that our culture, society & our institutions are unsafe & do not respect family values or the family unit, & therefore consider that the state will not support & guide their future children in a kind, fun & loving way?

Has the nurturing essence of our society & culture been compromised for the sake of big-business profit?

Written by Hillfire Dol, on the 3rd of June 2024 at 10:43 A.M.